
From Surviving to Thriving

Feb 7, 2024

Overcoming Trauma and Building Resilience

Trauma refers to the psychological response we experience after being exposed to distressing or disturbing events that overwhelm our ability to cope. This can have a profound impact on our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It is important to recognize the signs of trauma exposure, as well as the different types of trauma, to understand its effects better and to seek the appropriate treatment.

Trauma exposures affect each of us differently. Some of us may have an exposure and not experience any of the signs listed. While some of us may display commonly observed signs of trauma exposure. Trauma is defined by the individual’s experience, and it is not a one size fits all term. Signs of trauma exposure may include a sudden lack of emotional connection to our work or others, experiencing signs of anxiety and depression, headaches, fatigue, muscle tension, insomnia, intrusive thoughts, and negative self-perception. Flashbacks and nightmares are 2 other key symptoms associated with trauma exposure. These signs can be indicators that someone has undergone a traumatic event. Working with a mental health professional can aid in determining if these symptoms are related to trauma exposure or a differentiating challenge.

How can I heal?

Fortunately, healing from trauma is possible with the right support and strategies. Seeking professional help is one of the most crucial steps in the healing process. Mental health professionals, such as therapists or counselors, can provide the necessary guidance and support for ourselves and our loved ones who have experienced trauma. When seeking support from a mental health professional, be sure to locate one that utilizes empirical trauma-based therapies. Some examples include Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Brainspotting, and Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT). There are many models that are effective in treating trauma, and your therapist can help to select the best fit for you.

Engaging in self-care is another important aspect of healing from trauma. This can involve practicing techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness, and meditation to help calm the mind and reduce anxiety. Grounding exercises, such as focusing on the senses or using physical objects, can also help to bring us out of our trigger and back into the present moment.

Finding support from friends, family, or support groups is invaluable in the healing process. Establishing a network of people who can provide understanding, compassion, and encouragement can contribute to an individual’s recovery.

Resilience is an essential quality in overcoming trauma. Building resilience involves developing coping skills that help us navigate through challenging times. This may include activities such as engaging in hobbies, physical exercise, journaling, and establishing regular routines. It is also important to seek education and information about trauma to better understand its effects and develop strategies for healing.

Finally, practicing self-compassion is crucial in the journey of healing from trauma. Being kind to yourself, forgiving past mistakes, and acknowledging personal growth can play a significant role in the overall healing process. Trauma can have profound effects on our mental health and well-being.

Understanding the signs of trauma exposure and the different types of trauma is an important step toward seeking appropriate treatment. With professional support, self-care strategies, resilience, education, and self-compassion, healing from trauma is possible. You are not alone, and there is hope for a brighter future.

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