Beyond the EAP: How Lucid Software’s Focus on Mental Health Helps Make It a “Great Place to Work”

May 20, 2024


How employees can thrive despite a challenging environment. Mental health issues have become critically prevalent in the workplace, with more than 30% of employees reporting symptoms of mental illness1. For many employers, this manifests as eroding productivity and high turnover. Lucid Software employees, however, are consistently engaged, connected, and voting their employer to the top of the Great Place to Work® charts. What’s Lucid’s secret? An innovative approach to mental health benefits.


Industry: Software Development

Company size: 1000+ employees

The Problem

The traditional EAP is insufficient in addressing mental health challenges. Lucid’s People Operations team knew their standard mental health benefits needed a boost. Leah Dunn, Director of People Operations, discussed the shortcomings of a standardEmployee Assistance Program (EAP).

Many of our employees’ mental health needs were going unaddressed.

“We found that a standard EAP didn’t oer the consistent, regular appointment option with a provider trained in the specific area of need that our employees required. Additionally, the limited providers in a medical plan network and the long waiting periods to be seen by any provider meant that many of our employees’ mental health needs were going unaddressed."

The Solution

Comprehensive and convenient mental health care through Tava. Lucid wanted to provide their employees with a modern mental health benefit that would be convenient and financially accessible to employees and their families. After evaluating various options, Lucid found the solution they were looking for with Tava. Dunn explained:

“Lucid sought to provide a solution to the issues our employees faced when seeking mental health care with limited provider options. Tava has solved that issue by allowing our employees to get convenient, no-cost care for themselves and their family members.”

Tava Health makes it super easy for me to find a mental health therapist; doing so through other ways is so difficult I probably wouldn't do it otherwise.

The Results

Employee engagement demonstrates how Tava breaks down barriers to care. Employee engagement with the Tava benefit quickly showed that Lucid made the right choice. Tava utilization at Lucid is 24.7% (12x more than traditional EAPs2). While clients referred through a traditional EAP meet with their therapist an average of 2.5 times2, Lucid employees average 5.2 sessions with their Tava therapist. This increased utilization leads to more positive and long-lasting mental health outcomes for employees.

Moreover, 70% of employees who received care through Tava reported they would have been unlikely to seek mental health care without this benefit. The accessibility of care, coupled with comprehensive employee engagement, including educational resources and online interactions, have significantly expanded the reach of Lucid’s mental health initiatives.

Employee feedback confirmed to Dunn and her team that they had filled the gaps previously present in their EAP:

“Lucid employees love the ability to schedule after-hours, remote-friendly sessions with providers. They also love that they can see the same provider each visit for mental health needs that require more sessions than what is included in a typical EAP. We’ve seen many employees’ situations improve and productivity remain high as employees receive the care they need.”

We’ve seen many employees’ situations improve and productivity remain high as employees receive the care they need.

The Conclusion

Tava Health: Tava Health: Making Lucid Software a “Great Place to Work”

In the face of increased employee mental health challenges, Lucid’s partnership with Tava has helped them become a standout employer. After all, 96% of Lucid employees say it’s a Great Place to Work®3.Connect with us to find how partnering with Tava Health can give your employees the support and care they need.

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See how Tava can help you increase retention, lower medical costs, and boost your culture. Our friendly platform easily plugs into all major HRIS tools as well as insurance carriers.
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